
SyllabusA modern SEO analysis tool

Syllabus is a modern SEO analysis tool that helps you understand how your website is performing in search engines. It provides you with a detailed report of your website's SEO performance, including keyword rankings, backlinks, and more.

ReactNext.jsTailwind CSSNode.jsTypeScriptPostgreSQLDockerCloudflareRailwayPlaywrightBubble.ion8n

Project Details

Started: September 2022Role: Senior Software DeveloperMy time was split 60/40 between front-end and back-end development. I was responsible for major performance overhaul projects, on the front-end and backend. I built out major features that allowed users to deeply analyze webpage content using PIXI.js as the rendering engine. I implemented continuous testing utilizing Playwright. I build custom infrastructure using docker and Railway to deploy scalable testing shards to allow instant, parallel testing of webpages. I also built out major infrastructure changes to pull a dockerized version of n8n with workers to allow for scalable, parallelized workflows.